Mini Bag Instructions (GIY Kit or Mini Bag Teacher Bundle)
Step 1: Mix
Open your GIY Kit or Teacher Bundle and remove contents in preparation to grow. Before you begin, gather measuring spoons, water, and scissors.
Sanitize area
Wipe down the table, gloved hands and all tools with one of the provided isopropyl alcohol wipes. Save the second alcohol wipe for work area cleaning when starting Step 2!
Cut open bag
Cut open your bag of GIY material above the white filter patch.
Step 2: Grow
Step 3: Pop & Pod
Flip the growth form upside down and tap until the grown part “pops” out of the form.
Seal part in a roomy plastic bag with a cup of water to grow for 1 day to create a white, fuzzy overgrowth on the mycelium part.
The following step is optional...
Step 4: Dry
Prepare to dry
Remove from the overgrown part from the pod and place on a baking sheet.
Dehydrate the part at 180° F for for a few hours, checking every 30 minutes until dry.