Formula Hybrid Racecar Puts Mushroom Materials In Motion
After months of designing and building including an Ecovative growing cycle, Rensselaer's Formula Hybrid racing team has unveiled their 2013 racecar, The Heron. In addition to advanced performance from battery placement and lighter weight from material selection, the team of 19 students selected Ecovative to grow side impact bolsters to protect the car's driver. Ecovative scientists worked with the local team to design and grow custom shapes, specifically molded to the average driver's body. While the competition does not regulate the performance of the side bolsters, judges prefer protection for the driver's arm and chest. Ecovative's solution allowed the Hybrid team to eliminate their traditional seat pan, reducing the weight of the seat with an upholstered aluminum seat plate. Rensselaer Formula Hybrid will race at the 2013 International Formula Hybrid Competition April 29 - May 2 in Loudonville, NH. Ecovative wishes the team our best luck in driving the future of sustainable racing materials.