Nifty Fifty

Ecovative is thrilled to be included in the Nifty Fifty program. This spring, our CEO Eben Bayer will be traveling to DC to spend the day with a high school in that area. He will present on the history of Ecovative, what we are doing today, and what is next. Eben will also share strategies to help develop and realize a vision, and reveal the importance of "cowness" in innovation.

About Nifty Fifty: The Nifty Fifty (times 2) are 100 of the most dynamic scientists and engineers in the United States. They were selected for their unique ability to inspire the next generation of students to pursue careers in the STEM fields. They were chosen from among thousands of candidates nominated by over 500 leading professional science and engineering societies, universities, research institutions, government agencies, STEM education outreach organizations and leading high tech and life science companies.