GIY Maker Spotlight: Tom Sippel July 17, 2018 This week we interviewed Tom Sippel. Tom has been working with our Grow-It-Yourself material for 4+ years. Check out Tom’s website “S&S Studio” to see some of the beautiful and functional furniture...
GIY Maker Spotlight: Jon Grundon July 10, 2018 1) What kind of art do you create? I am a prop maker/sculptor by trade. At the moment, I work at my company Broken Hare. I am concentrating on animal friendly...
GIY Maker Spotlight: Chris Sweeney July 03, 2018 What kind of art do you create? As far as mycelium is concerned, I create forms with 3D printed molds I’ve designed using Morphi. My background is fine arts, painting,...
Guest Blog: Jon Calos: Using GIY at Emma Willard School April 18, 2017 I have been working with Ecovative for many years. As a high school biology teacher and dedicated environmentalist, I jumped at the chance to use their Grow it Yourself (GIY) material as...
GIY Mushroom Furniture with Tom Sippel March 24, 2017 Tom arrived at Ecovative and unpacked in the quiet conference room, keeping the protective coverings on his work—shielding them from view. What Tom revealed amazed us all—several unique and beautifully...
Growing Home: It's for the Birds March 20, 2017 With the first day of Spring, I happened upon some interesting facts in the Farmer’s Almanac about the vernal equinox. Did you know: “The vernal equinox signals the beginning of nature’s renewal...
GIY Adventures with Our Young Scientists! December 01, 2015 I would guess that science is not a typical topic discussed at most family dinners, especially when the audience consists of a 5 and 3 year old. However at my...
Designing Shiro- A Stool Created with Mushroom Materials August 17, 2015 Shiro is an appealing stool, designed with the innovative Mushroom Material in mind. It is the outcome of a research and design process, which questioned the integration of a new...
A Biodegradable Urn, Grown by Florian Gregor July 14, 2015 Hi everyone! My name is Florian Gregor, I am 24 years old and from Salzburg, Austria. I have been studying Forest Products Technology and Timber Constructions at the University of Applied...